Do Candles Expire and Where Does Candle Wax Go?

by ohcans official

Unlike food products, candles do not have a set expiration date. However, a number of variables can cause a decline in their quality and function over time. This is a thorough explanation. 

do candles expire?

Do Candles Exipre?

Candle Scent Fading: The perfume of scented candles may wane with time, particularly if stored incorrectly. This is especially true for candles that have natural or essential oil smells. The scent's high notes may fade more quickly than its base notes, changing the frangrance as a whole.

Color Shifts:Candles can change color over time due to dyes or scents. Light exposure can accelerate this process, causing discoloration or fading. Extreme temperatures can also affect wax, leading to changes in appearance and burning properties. Wicks may break or discolor as they age, resulting in uneven burning. Trimming the wick regularly is important to prevent excess wax from building up. 

Wax Deterioration: Candle wax can degrade and fade away over time , especially if exposed to extreme temperatures. Warm environments can melt or soften candles, changing their overall burning properties. 

Problems with the Wick: Issues with the Wick: One problem regarding the Wick is that as it ages, it can become rather fragile change color, which can result in an uneven burning of the candle . If the Wick is not trimmed correctly or becomes too either too short or too long,  it may lead to tunneling or uneven melting.  Unfortunately, this aspect of candle maintenance is often overlooked. 

An even burn means that the entire surface of wax melts at the same, which also indicates that the surface of your candle remains flat and smooth even after you extinguish your candle. You may wonder why an even burning candle is so cruicial to candle lovers, this is because when an uneven burning occurs, we also refer the issue as Candle Tunneling. 

Container made of good quality: Eventually, the container may weaken or fracture, particularly if the candle has been burned more than once. Safety risks may arise from this, particularly if the container breaks or the candleholder catches fire.

Storage Conditions: Candle life can be extended with proper storage. Keep candles out of direct sunlight and extremely hot or cold environments. Avoid storing candles in areas with fluctuating temperatures, like attics, for long periods of time. Dust and debris may accumulate on the surface, potentially impacting the candle's appearance and burning capabilities.  This can have an effect on the candle's look and burn quality, but it doesn't always affect how well it works.

Safety Considerations: It's important to think about safety issues while using an old candle that hasn't been burned. The wicks of old candles may have moved or become unsteady, which raises the possibility of mishaps like tipping or flaring.

where does candle wax go

How To Prevent Candle Tunneling From Happening? 

During Candle tunneling , only the center of the candle melts, while the outer edge remains hard and unmelted. This can cause the candle to burn out quickly and look unsightly. To prevent tunneling and ensure an even burn, focus on the first burn of the candle. Wax has shape memory, so melting the entire surface during the first firing will prevent future tunneling. Additionally, trimming the wick to 1/4 inch before burning and keeping the candle away from drafts will promote even burning and extend the life of the candle.



Where Does Candle Wax Go?

You may wonder where does your candle wax go when you start burning your favourite candle? Does it just dissapear into air all at once?

When you light a candle, the flame melts the wax near the wick. This melted wax is then pulled up the wick and turned into vapor with the heat of the flame. Since the wax itself is mainly made of hydrocarbons,the heat released combing with oxygen to serve as feul to turn wax from a solid state to liquid then even into a gas. 

The heat furthur breaking down the hydrocarbons into hydrogen and carbon molecules. These molecules combine with oxygen while producing heat, light, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. This is the your well know combustion formula from high school. In the end, you may discover that the wax disappear into thin air. 





where does candle wax go?

The Environmental Impact of Candle Expiry

Sustainable Candle Choices and Lifespan

 You should choose sustainable options. Sustainable candles are made from eco-friendly materials that burn cleaner and last longer. Instead of just throwing away your old candles when they're done, you can actually reuse them in cool ways. You can make wax melts or even make your own candles! It's a fun way to give your old candles a new life. If you want some ideas on how to do this, check out Ohcans Pure Soy wax for some DIY inspiration.From making decorative wax melts to crafting homemade candles, there are plenty of inventive ways to give old candles a second chance at life. Check out Ohcans Pure Soy wax for more DIY ideas


  1. What causes a candle to burn continuously?

A candle will likely to burn continuously because of a process call conbustion. Please refer the the explaination I have compiled from above. 


  1. Is it safe to leave a burning candle unattended?

If you leve your favourite candle unattended assuming that you will be back later. It is not a wise thing to do. A potential fire can be sparked when your candle is close to items that are highly flammable, such as curtains, draps , woods. 
  1. Why does the flame of a candle flicker?

This may occur when the candle being burned has a wick that is too large for the amount of wax present. Candles with oversized wicks tend to burn quickly, using up the wax faster and causing the flame to flicker.  Candles with oversized wicks burn at a faster rate, depleting the wax and causing the flame to flicker.  Under such conditions, Sooting and Mushrooming will occur for your candle wick. Candles with small wicks can lead to uneven wax pools and tunneling.  please refer to my explaination from eailer. Although the flickering flame may create an appealing experience to the eye, it can be very dangerous. 

How long does a typical candle last?

This depends on what type of candle you are burning. Tipically, burn steadily for a period of 4 to 5 hours before their tiny flames extinguish. Whreas, votive candles, has an expanded lifespan of 15 to 20 hours.  When you transitioning to container candles, you do receive  a comforting glow for a considerable 25 to 30 hours,

  1. Can I reuse leftover candle wax?

You can expand you imagination to make so many creative projects with left over candle wax. There is a resourcful one to get started on. 


  1. How does the diameter of a wick impact candle burn rate?

The burn rate of a candle is not directly impacted by the size of the wick, but rather by the diameter of the melting pool it creates. A wick that is too narrow for a container candle may not spread heat evenly, leading to faster burning as not all of the wax is utilized. To ensure efficient use of wax, I typically allow for a 2-inch diameter of melted wax around the wick, and for larger containers, I add a second wick to maximize wax consumption. 
  1. How can sustainable candle choices enhance longevity?

By choosing sustainable candles, you are actively creating a more environmentally-friendly future for your children and grandchildren. Opting for candles made from natural sources like soy or beeswax is an effective way to minimize your impact on the environment.  If you can choose the packaging of your candle, please opt a biodegrable option instead. 
  1. What are some creative ways to repurpose expired candles?

    • From crafting wax melts to creating new candles, there are numerous DIY methods to repurpose expired candles and extend their utility.The are some Candle Making Suppies you can check it out. 

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