How To Make Your Perfume Using Essential Oil ?

by ohcans official

As a professionaly candle maker, you may wonder what are some budget friendly ways to incorporate essential oil into your everyday rountine. Ohcans candle has create a special guide on essential oils for future candle maker and DIY lovers. 

What is the Difference Between Essential Oil and Fragrance Oil?

From the most obvious place difference, fragrance oil are manufactured in labs,while essential oil are extracted and purified from mother nature. In terms of its usage, essential oil are generally used for aromatheraphy candles, vaporisors, detergent and soaps. Fragrance is defined as a mixture of chemicals. In such a case, Fragrance oils are often combined with synthetic aroma molecules produced in a lab to lower production costs. Each fragrance has a unique scent. which contain both natural and synthetic ingridients. Typically, theses ingridients are artificial compounds and chemicals that combined together to give a particular scent. To give you a more concrete idea of synehtic checmicals,  such examples are carrier base, alcohols, aldehydes, dye, and esters.These compound may cause allergic reations such as migarines, and headache. 

On the other hand, Essential oil are extracted in a natural distillation process.Essential oil is derived from distilling a raw material which means that  the aromatic molecules that remain the same after plant material is distilled or cold pressed in a more concentrated form.  Essential oils are produced using various parts of plants such as leaves, bark, fruits, flowers, seeds and resins. They are produced using various extraction methods, mostly by steam distillation. Most of them have therapeutic value due to their unique combinations of aromatic molecules. Essential oils are often used for therapeutic or medicinal purposes, if you are familiar with the idea of aromatheraphy and meditation you will know. 

fragrance oil v.s essential oil

What is the Shelf Life For Essential Oil and Fragrance Oil?

Essential oil generally have a longer shelf life of 2~15 years, while fragrance oil only have a shelf life of 6~12 month.  Generally, essential oil would last longer because essential oils are rather natural and contain fewer preservatives. Synethic materials will degrade faster in fragrance oil. 

essential oil

Why is Essential Oil Better than Fragrance Oil?

Essential oil contain the most concentrated and purified form from of that paticular ingredient. It contains the essence of that material. What is more, essential oil tend to have a more subtle natural scent than regular perfumes, and the scent may not last very long. Essential oils are often too potent to be used directly on the skin making it a good alternative to perfume. For example, Lush use 100% natural essential oil to make their perfumes.I am such a fan of the idea that essential oil are biodegrable and more sustainable for the environment. 

What Are Some General Uses Of Essential Oil

  • Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is one of the most popular uses for essential oils. These potent liquids can be used to help improve mood, focus, and energy levels. Simply add a few drops of your chosen oil to an diffuser or oil burner, sit back, and relax.
  • Massage them into your skin: Mixing essential oils with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil can create a soothing massage oil. This is especially helpful for sore muscles or joints.
  • Household cleaning: Essential oils can be used as natural, eco-friendly cleaning agents. Mix a few drops of lemon or eucalyptus oil with water in a spray bottle to create a powerful all-purpose cleaner. Or add some tea tree oil to your laundry detergent to give it an extra boost of antibacterial power.
  • Add them to your bath: A few drops of essential oil in your bathtub can help you relax after a long day. You can also add them to Epsom salt for an even more relaxing experience.
  • Make a compress: Soaking a cloth in a mixture of water and essential oil can create a compress that can be applied to bruises, tension headaches, and other pains.
  • DIY beauty products: Many essential oils have properties that make them perfect for use in DIY beauty products. For example, lavender oil can help soothe and heal skin, while rosemary oil can stimulate hair growth.

Essential oils have a various use for day to day household scene.Next time, you will have a more comprehensive understanding when you are making an essential oil purchase. 

essential oil recipe blends

Can I Use Essential Oil As Perfume?

Yes, you can absolutely use essential oils as a regular perfume alternative.You can create your own signature scent by combining some essential oils. You can modify your perfume based on your own need. For instance, if you need an energy boost, you may pick out citrus to be your scent. 

How To Make Perfume With Essential Oils?

  • Get Your Bottle Ready

A small glass bottle or jar, such as an antique perfume bottle, should be cleaned out. Although you can produce as much or as little perfume as you like, a bottle that holds around 4 ounces usually works best.

Place the Carrier Oil in.

Add about 2 to 3 ounces of your carrier oil to your glass bottle. It's not necessary to measure precisely. But keep in mind that you will need more essential oils to get the desired aroma the more carrier oil you use.


  • Include the Base Note.

It's time to incorporate a few drops of the essential oil that will give the fragrance its base note (the longest-lasting part of the scent). Excellent base notes include those with cinnamon, jasmine, cedarwood, rose, vanilla, myrrh, and clove essential oils. Use about 15 drops of your preferred base essential oil.

  • Middle Note Added

The next step is to choose an essential oil for the middle note, which is the aroma that develops after applying the fragrance. Use about 15 drops of the essential oil of your choice. Middle notes include chamomile, geranium, juniper, pine, rosemary, ylang-ylang, nutmeg, lavender, cypress, and bay.

  • Add the Heading Note

The final essential oil to finish your perfume is the top note, which is the aroma that you detect immediately after application. Once more, you should put about 15 droplets of perfume in your bottle. Eucalyptus, lemon, grapefruit, peppermint, spearmint, sage, tea tree, and orange are a few excellent top note essential oils.

  • Tip

Until you discover one you like, experiment with other base, middle, and top note combinations. Just be aware that middle notes fade slightly more quickly than base notes, while top notes fade more slowly than middle and base notes.

  • Insert a Fixative


Without a fixative, which keeps the scent fresh and preserves it, your handmade perfume is incomplete. A vitamin E tablet works as a fixative and is gentle on the skin. Simply pierce the capsule with a tiny pin or other sharp item, and squeeze the contents into your perfume container.
  • Combine by shaking

Put the cap on your perfume bottle and shake it vigorously to blend the components. An ingredients label on the bottle can help you remember which aroma is inside if you produce more than one bottle of essential oil perfume at a time.

12Essential Oil Perfume Recipes

essentail oil recipe blend

Is Essential Oil An Treatment For Acene?

Essential oil can definately target specific issues on the skin. There is a collection we would recommend for the treatment of acene. 

Lemon essential oil:

 helps clear out dead skin cells and breakouts by stimulating the oil glands to release natural oils.It’s also a natural exfoliant, which means it removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin.

Lavender essential oil:

helps prevent bacterial infections by inhibiting the growth of Propionibacterium acnes.

Peppermint essential oil:

stimulates circulation, helping clear out dead skin cells and preventing future acne outbreaks.

Rosemary essential oil: 

helps balance hormone levels, keeping them balanced, which reduces acne.

Essential Oil Candle As Anniversary Decor?

Just a brief announcement for our fellow Ohcans candle fans and candle lovers. You are invited to participate in this event. You can become our fans either on facebook or pinterest. You will receive free candle and a free DIY candle making mannual if you follow us on pinterest. 

Since November, 2023. Ohcans candle has released A DIY Personalized Scented Candle for every occation. You can check it out. The tricky and fun part of this candle is that you can customize and choose what label to put on the candle. It would make excellent graduation gift and as well as an anniversay decor for your significant other. 

essential oil guide

How to Inhale Essential Oil Properly With a Cotton Ball?

Researches have found that inhale certain esssential oil can help with stress and anxiety and improve sleep qulity and memory ability. 

There is a step by step procedure on how to inhale essentil oil with at cotton ball. 

  1. Choose your essential oil. Make sure to select an oil that is safe for inhalation. Some good options are lemon, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, and frankincense. Avoid oils like cinnamon and clove.
  2. Add a few drops of oil to a cotton ball. As a general rule, 3-5 drops is a good amount. You don't need too much.
  3. Hold the cotton ball a few inches from your nose. Be very careful not to make direct contact between the cotton ball and your nostrils, as the oils can sometimes irritate sensitive skin.
  4. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. This draws the aromatic oil molecules into your lungs. Closing your eyes can help you focus.
  5. Breathe normally and repeat inhalations as needed. Most sources recommend keeping inhalation sessions under 10 minutes.
  6. Store any leftover oils properly in a cool, dark place. Essential oils can evaporate quickly.

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