How To Select Candle Wick For Handmade Candle?

by ohcans official

Why Should You Choose A Handmade Candle?

Crafted candles bestow a distinct, imaginative personal twist to any setting, enabling customization and artistic ingenuity. This art involves meticulous curation of materials, proper method  and safety precautions, transforming it into a form of creation  that empowers individuals to impart their unique style into each candle.

How To Select Candle Making Materials?

The selection of materials in candle making plays a pivotal role in determining the quality and visual allure of the end product. Varieties of wax like soy, beeswax, and paraffin, alongside the appropriate wick dimensions and composition, exert considerable influence on the candle's burn duration, visual appeal, and scent diffusion. Ornamental components such as dried blooms or herbs impart a personal touch, while opting for the correct fragrances evokes specific atmospheres.

candle wick


Techniques Involved In Candle Making

Handmade candles offer an exclusive and individualized approach to fashioning exquisite, visually pleasing patterns. These candles can be shaped using a range of methods such as molding, sculpting, embedding, etching, and soy wax candle crafting. Molding enables the formation of bespoke forms not commonly found in mass-produced candles, while embedding introduces a unique decorative element. Etching techniques empower artisans to etch intricate motifs and textures onto the candle's surface, enhancing the design with depth and character.

Ohcans Candle Making Kit is beginner friendly tool set to begin your candle crafting journey. 

Imaginative candle crafting techniques encompass soy wax candle production, offering a natural and eco-conscious substitute to conventional paraffin wax. Soy wax is celebrated for its eco-friendly burning attributes, generating minimal soot and smoke, and boasting a lower melting threshold compared to paraffin. These qualities render it a prime option for individuals emphasizing air purity and environmental friendliness within their living areas.

Beeswax candle rolling is another charming and creative method that involves using beeswax sheets to create cylindrical and decorative beeswax candles. Beeswax, known for its natural golden hue and honey scent, adds warmth and elegance to handmade candles. This technique is particularly well-suited for crafting candles with children due to its simplicity and safety, allowing them to engage in the art of candle making while producing simple yet charming designs.

handmade candles

Candle-making safety measures are essential for creating unique and personalized candles. Proper ventilation and heat management are crucial for safe candle making, as proper airflow helps disperse fumes from the melting wax, reducing the risk of inhalating smoke. You need to keep a cautious mind on temperature control when pouring your wax as well. Different type of candle wax may have different pouring temperature. You may want to read manufacter's label before making a purchase. 

Generally speaking, The ideal temperature range is 120°F to 180°F (49°C to 82°C) for most container candles. 

When working with hot wax and equipment, protective gear such as gloves and aprons is essential for personal safety. Overall, artisan candles reflect creativity and craftsmanship, offering a personalized touch to any space through their unique designs and meticulous detailing.

The Importance Selecting The Right Size And Type of Wick For Your Handmade Candle

To be frank, almost all candles need a wick. There is a few things to keep in maind when making a more informed choice for purchasing a wick. 

Different Wick Type Matters

Wick type plays a crucial role in candlemaking, as it affects the compatibility of a wick with specific waxes. Commercial wicks, typically made from cotton, wood, fiberglass, or natural fibers, have specific fiber or thread makeup, a braid design, and a wax coating. These factors are crucial as each wax has unique properties, such as density, melt point, and viscosity, which come together when the wax melts and travels through the wick. The wick's build determines the ease and amount of melted wax moves through the wick over time. Wicks that cannot handle the wax can lead to improper combustion, excessive heat, smoking, or self-extinguishing.

A Wick With A Thread Mark Up :

A wick with a thread markup is a wick that is pretreated with a small amount of metallic thread.  Doing so will prevent bending or flopping during burning, improving flame stability, and reducing carbon buildup on the wick tip, resulting in a cleaner, more consistent burn.

A Wick With A Wax Coating:

Mass manufactured wicks are often coated with a parafiin wax coating before put to use. Commercial wicks are coated with high melt point wax, typically paraffin wax in most case, to provide structure and ease of lighting.When you light your candle, you would not discover that your candle flame all of a sudden get  estinguished.

A Wick With A Braid Design:


The braid design in candle wicks  controls the  flame size, shape, and as well as the rate candle wax is suppose to be melting . As you may already know, A well-designed braid will give you a clean, evenly burning candle with a steady flame.  Therefore, a candle wick with a braid design will enhance the overall lighting experience.

Different Wick Size For Making Your Handmade Candles

It is better to be safe than sorry when selecting the correct wick size for candle making.To ensure the proper placement and user friendly nature of your wicks, you need to measure your diameter of the candle. This way, you can estimate how many wicks you may need for your candle. If the diameter of the candle is larger than 5 inches, Tipically, A larger wick will burn faster and produce a larger flame, while a smaller wick will burn slower and produce a smaller flame. Often times, there will be a wick size chart availble to reference too, when you are making a purchase from a legit and professional candle manufactuer. 

candle wick size chart


Different Type Of Wick Burning Guide


Solution: This is mainly caused by an incomplete combustion. The carbon residue is left at the tip of the wick.  You can simply trim the wick or reduce the amount of fragrance load to your handmade candle. 


Solution: The candle wax is not evenly distributed when melting. You may discover a giant sinkholes in the middle of the candle. This conditon is due to wick size that is too small for the diameter of the candle. Thus, simply increase your wick size will prabably do the trick. 


Solution:There are unburned particle remaining. This conditon occurs when the wick is too large for your candle. As a result, it is vital to trim down your candle to a proper size. 

Symtoms: A High Flame 

Solution: A sudden rush of air, such as a windy conditon, which is also technicially categorized as draft can for sure make a flame appear taller than because.  A wick that is too large for the candle would also contribute to this conditon. 


Symtoms: A Self Extinguishing Candle 

solution: Under the conditon if the candle is self extinguishing, this is due to not enough feul being draw up to the wick.If you have a wick that is poorly made, your candle may extinguish as well. 

candle mushrooming



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