Picking Out The Best Yankee Candle Wax Warmer For 2024

by ohcans official

Why A Candle Wax Warmer Is Better Than You Think

If you are like a scented candle addict, I would highly recommend a candle wax warmer for you. Instead of striking a match to light up your candle, you can light and burn your candle in a more elegant way. If you are dealing with a candle that happen to have  soot issues because of too much fragrance oil, burn the candle with candle wax warmer is a good alternative. If you happen to be a pet owner with cat and dogs, you want to avoid potential safety hazard of an open flame,  Choosing a candle wax warmer is an alternate method to indulge in aromatic and luxurious smells. A candle warmer use electricity to melt the wax compare to traditional open flame from a match.  Occationaly, when your candle wax warmer may be overheated from a long period of burning, you want to avoid touching the candle warmer immediately. 

More importantly, your candle will last longer if you choose to use a candle wax warmer. Wax melts and candles utilizing a candle wax warmer tend to have a stronger scent throw due to the fact that candle wax warmers are capable of keeping the temperature at a rather low and retaining an low mild melting point for wax. Candle wax warmer remains to be a more budget friendly and cost effective option when burning candles. A candle warmer will gradually heat up the wax from the bottom up, so the aroma of the candle will be dispersed and emitted more slowly and evenly. The candle wax will melt slower. The surrounding area will be immersed with the aroma. If you are looking for candle making kits, we have very high quality one from our Ohcans Amazon Store. 

Last but not the least, a candle warmer will effectively avoid the issue of tunneling and drafts all at once. It is a life saver for most people. 

yankee candle warmer

How To Use A Candle Warmer?

Candle warmers are availble in a range of styles and aethetics to choose from. You may want to take into consideration your home decor style before making a purchase. For instance, a tea light warmer maybe made of ceramic instead of being electric. A tea light candle warmer are compact in size and can be eaily stored. In contrast, lamp style candle warmer are tipically used for wide opening jar candles. On the other hand, if you are looking for a multi purpose candle warmer that can also serve as a mug or coffee warmer,  a plate warmer may enable you to warm your coffee drinks as well. For complementary candles, please check out our new release of Ohcans Holiday Candles From Amazon.

tealight warmer

A Tealight Candle Warmer

lamp candle warmer

Lamp Candle Warmer 

plate candle warmer

A Plate Candle Warmer

Tips and Tricks For Using A Candle Warmer

1.Ideally, you want to to limit your own usage of the candle warmer within 4~8 hours. 

2. When using your candle wax warmer dish too full, it will cause an overflow of wax when using a candle warmer. Excess wax may spill out. 

3.Place and situate your candle warmer on a flat and heat resistant surface. Doing so will protect your furniture from potential heat damage. 

4.Please remeber do not leave your candle warmer over night. Although is not not an open flame, it may cause potential overload of circut. It also increase the chances of a fire hazard. Trust me, you do not want to burn your house down when you are asleep leaving your candle warmer unattended. 

5.You would want to store your wax in a secure and heat resitant container, because wax may melt into lamps if it is not placed properly. You want a heat resitant container for candles. When exposing to heat for long period of time may cause the glass to shatter or crack without a notice. 

6.You want to check if your candles are especially designed for candle. candles and candle warmers come in various sizes, so you want to make sure that they are compatible for each other before commiting to a purchase. 

Different Types Of Candle Warmer

There are two main types of candle warmer currently on the market. Namely, Top down candle warmer and bottom up candle warmer. Lamp candle warmer is an example of top down candle warmer as the heat source is applied to the candle surface from top down. In contrast, bottom up candle warmer with a heated plate radiate heat from bottom up. A bottom up plate candle warmer will allow more precise control over candle wax since they tipically have variable temperature control. 

Yankee Candle Wax Warmer Selection

This is a well round top down candle warmer to have. I personally really like the geometric shape and golden honeybee pattern all over. A built in timer is incoporated into the design so it is very handy. You can take a nap while leaving this candle warmer in the corner. It is very eco-friendly as you do not have to worry about replacing the light bulb anymore. 

yankee candle honeycomb light bulb candle warmer

I just absolutely love the marble design of this particular electric wax warmer. It features a removable bowl for quick and easy wax clean up. It does have have a built in timer and 3 different settings of temperature control. The marble pattern symbolize a elegance, luxury and a classic look to any home decor. This candle wax warmer will definately adds a welcoming vibe to your house. 

yankee candle wax warmer

Candle warmer are a nice alternative for people who have pet and kids in the house. You may want to read manufacter lables and care intructions after making a purchase. If you clean up and maintain or candle warmer on a regular basis, it will last a long time. 

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